TATRANEWS - July Newsletter
Hello Friends: Just a brief note today, since I am in the midst of preparing for BOOKSTOCK! I will be presenting my third memoir, THE FENCERS, on Friday, July 26 at1:00 pm at the Parish Hall of St. James Episcopal Church (at the end of the Green) in Woodstock VT. THE FENCERS is the gripping tale of Paul Szabo, a Romanian-Hungarian fencer friend I helped defect at the 1976 Montreal Olympics where I represented Canada in individual and team epée fencing. The book also chronicles my fencing career and captures the excitement of Canada's first Olympic Games. You will also find me sharing a table on the Green and on Saturday, July 27 at2:00 pm I will be reading some of my poetry there, especially from my latest volume, EXTINCTION, and introducing my latest thriller, RAINBOW VINTNER. I hope that those of you in the Woodstock area will come to these events. For those who can't come, I will leave you with one of the summery poems from EXTINCTION, one that I think we can all relate to. Mosquito A wanton mosquito landed on the bare skin of my forearm, attacked my feeling flesh with glee, in a drunken stupor it gorged through its proboscis on my blood I swatted the little bugger with lightning fury and hate, and squashed it to oblivion, unmindful of the perfection of a timeless, evolved being Over the long torrid summer my mosquito’s countless mates wreak their revenge on humanity Happy summer and happy reading, Geza
P.S. I just learned that this little poem has been translated by a Bordeaux poet, Patrice Martin, and will be published on a French online site at https://bordeaux-marche-de-la-poesie.fr. Watch out for it! Thank you, Patrice,