A new novel coming...
I have been absent from blogging for the last month or so, since I was finishing my next book, the international political thriller, THE RAINBOW VINTNER (working title). I wrote the novel while living in Bordeaux, and it is this enchanting city and the wine region that serve as the setting for most of the plot (much as Vienna, where I lived at the time of starting TWISTED REASONS, was the setting for a large part of that book). The story of THE RAINBOW VINTNER is based on substantial research about current and recent past events in France, going back to the Mitterand era, including its rapport with the Moslem world of North Africa and the Middle East. The protagonist, Morgan Kenworthy, is a Berkeley student doing a semester abroad at the University of Bordeaux who gets involved in uncovering the 'whodunit' of a number of bombings targeting the far left government in France. Is it jihadists or far right militants who are carrying out these murderous acts? The Charlie Hebdo bombings happened while I was writing the book, and give it added relevance.
I am now trying to find a publisher for this novel to come out after the poetry collection, CELLO’S TEARS, (to be published in June by P.R.A. Publishing) and the memoir, FOR THE CHILDREN, (to be published by Editions Dedicaces), although there is also the second memoir in the Cold War Escape series, THE EXPO AFFAIR, for which publishers have already shown interest. This clears the deck for me to work on the second book in the Twisted Trilogy, which I have already mapped out and written the first few chapters of.
So much on the go, but it is all so much fun!