TATRANEWS - June Newsletter
Hello Friends: Last month was full of book events for me, with launches in Cambridge MA, Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal. Special thanks to Ben McNally, The Harvard COOP and the Canadian Olympic Committee for hosting events. Sales of especially my third memoir, THE FENCERS, were good and I look forward to more presentations, readings and signings in the coming month. Other rewarding book-related items since my last newsletter have been:
FOR THE CHILDREN, my memoir of my family"s escape from Hungary during the 1956 Revolution was chosen as one of nine books featured on the WIKI site "Nonfiction Books That Show The Human Side Of Global Conflicts": https://wiki.ezvid.com/m/9-nonfiction-books-that-show-the-human-side-of-global-conflicts-b02xu012CpEDu?fbclid=IwAR2t87W3zZ-AEezRkmIfE5gj9yUXNdO5EeC5egh5OqUtYhnFrtcQEcMUGh4
The Tuesday Special focus at The Write Way Café on RAINBOW VINTNER: https://thewritewaycafe.blogspot.com/2019/06/tuesday-special-rainbow-vintner.html#.XP0B_C2ZM_U
My blog post on book marketing appeared on Hometown Reads: https://hometownauthors.com/book-marketing-tips/marketing-be-creative-and-tireless/
A Takeover of The Pen And Muse Facebook site to talk about THE FENCERS and my other books.
All lots of fun! EXTINCTION, my third collection of poetry was published in April by P.R.A. Publishing and it has been receiving steady acclaim. The poems in this volume are particularly relevant now, since, as a recent United Nations study pointed out, one million or more species are put at risk of extinction by human actions. I will leave you with a poem from this collection: Witching Hour Is this the witching hour, the turning point, when the simmering seas boil, spill across the cauldron’s brim to flood this verdant earth: corpses of frogs and fish, seals and birds, our detritus, plastics and rotting hulls wash up with the silt to bury my feet Is this the witching hour, the turning point, when wildfires spread, raging across the land and consume forests and fields, roads and towns, killing with burning heat and acrid smoke all life they find in homes or barns or nests or frantically fleeing the fated end Is this the witching hour, the turning point: we know damn well it is, but do nothing-- we continue our hedonistic lives, complicit in destroying our one earth Happy reading to all! Geza