Hello Friends: The end of the year is nigh, so first off, Happy Holidays to everyone! I will keep this note short since we are all busy with the festivities and family and friends. First, I am truly honored that Extinction, my third poetry collection, received a very laudatory review from George Longenecker, President of the Poetry Society of Vermont, that appeared in the most recent issue of the journal, RAIN TAXI. You can access it here: http://www.raintaxi.com/rain-taxi-review/print-edition/ Secondly, my presentation on December 12th at the Kimball Public Library in Randolph VT, focusing mainly on my memoirs, was very well received. I will be doing a similar talk in San Francisco under the auspices of the Harvard Club of San Francisco on January 16th, so please come if you are in the vicinity! Early next year will see the publication by P.R.A. Publishing of my short story collection, The Spinning Mind, so keep a lookout for this foray of mine into a new genre. The book brings together thirteen short stories, some based on dreams, others taking off from my own experiences and still others tackling difficult social issues. I am also compiling a fourth poetry collection, Extinction Rebellion, which, much like its predecessor, tackles the issues of environmental degradation and species extinction and, as the title suggests, is a call to action. Moreover, 2020 should see the paperback publication of an updated edition of my very first thriller, Arctic Meltdown. I am working on a sequel to this tale, as well as on a murder mystery set in Vermont. As has become my habit, I will leave you with one of my poems, this one season-appropriate, from my second collection, Sighs and Murmurs:
Christmas and afterthoughts
Christmas, and crystal snow flecks drop from an invisible heaven, (like grains of sand in an hourglass), vanishing, ghoul-like, on contact with a cemented over earth: their descent through the empty night, too fast and short-lived: (what sorrow, what pain, when a child dies!) no time, there is no time for their beauty― their timeless, infinite beauty― to blossom and inflame our love. Only the flakes know their perfection. Here's wishing Happy Holidays to all and a good start to the New Year, Geza