TATRANEWS - October Newsletter
Hello Friends: The fall has been full of travel for pleasure and business, so little time to work on writing projects. But I did...
TATRANEWS - September Newsletter
Hello Friends: After a glorious summer in Vermont, it is back to work although a few travel plans will no doubt get in the way....
TATRANEWS - August Newsletter
Hello, my friends: We are enjoying another beautiful summer here in Vermont, so I will keep this note short. Bookstock at the end of...
TATRANEWS - July Newsletter
Hello Friends: Just a brief note today, since I am in the midst of preparing for BOOKSTOCK! I will be presenting my third memoir, THE...
TATRANEWS - June Newsletter
Hello Friends: Last month was full of book events for me, with launches in Cambridge MA, Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal. Special thanks...
"For the Children" featured on WIKI
My memoir about my family's escape from Stainist Hungary during the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, FOR THE CHILDREN, has been chosen as one...
Hello friends, Today -- EARTH DAY -- is a very important one, since it focuses our concern about the world around us and all the living...
TATRANEWS - April Newsletter
Hello, my friends: With my three recent releases - RAINBOW VINTNER in February, THE FENCERS in March and EXTINCTION in April - it has...
TATRANEWS - April Newsletter
Hello, my friends: With my three recent releases - RAINBOW VINTNER in February, THE FENCERS in March and EXTINCTION in April - it has...
TATRANEWS - March Newsletter
Hello Friends: Over the last few months, I have been engaged in a whirlwind of fun book activity with the release of my fifth thriller,...